Precise Medication Tailored To You.

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Texas Pharmacogenomics Consulting

What is Pharmacogenomics?

Pharmacogenomics is a field of research that studies how your genes respond to medications. It is used to help doctors select the drugs and doses best suited for each individual.

Your Treatment Should be Unique to You


There are over 270 medications containing warnings, precautions and dosage recommendations based on specific gene variants. Your body has unique ways of responding to treatment based on your DNA, so your treatment should be unique to you.


Mental Health Prescribing Guidance


Texas Pharmacogenomics’ mental health PGx test assesses your genes to help your clinician make smarter, more personalized treatment decisions. A PGx test will look at the key genes that may influence your clinician’s treatment choice and medication dosage for depression and other mental health conditions.



A PGx test is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

I am so glad that I did this genetic testing! It has narrowed drug therapy down a great deal and everything that has been prescribed since has had no noticeable side effects. Also, drugs I have been not compatible with in the past show up on the test as well, proving that the test in fact works and allows for a refinement of treatment options. I would recommend this test to anyone and share it with your doctor for the best care possible.

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